Tag Archives: cover

Behind The Cover Shoot

NATALIA VODIANOVA is lost among the magical world of a pinball machine in the bright, bold and vibrant Colour Fest fashion shoot, styled by Lucinda Chambers and photographed by Mario Testino, in the pop-themed December issue of Vogue.

“It was the idea that she was stuck inside a pinball machine and dodging from the ball,” explains Chambers of the shoot, which employed the handiwork of set designer Jack Flanagan to bring it all to life – complete with a life-sized pinball for Vodianova to dodge around. “I love it because it looks almost like it’s superimposed but it’s all there, even the ball was there.”

Initially it had been Chambers’ idea to do a shoot inspired by Manga cartoons and Testino had come up with the pinball aspect – so they decided to combine the two.

“The main influence was Comme des Garçons and all of its incredible felted coats. For designers, it was a season full of wonderful colours. So the idea was really to play with colours and print and the point was to be really energetic. It was upbeat, lively and fun,” says Chambers, noting that as a consequence of all that was going on with the clothes and the set, when it came to the make-up, it was about keeping it light to keep something “normal”.

And Natalia played the part brilliantly. “She brought personality and experience to it – controlling her face and her body as she posed. She completely got into the role – and then again with the cover, which shows her versatility, it’s very grown-up and Jean Shrimpton.”